The lone lady

Komal Chaudry
Jan 29, 2021

Growing up in a south Asian family we are conditioned to believe loneliness is a curse.

We must always be surrounded by people and each house must have a male.

A lone woman has no voice, no purpose, no social standing.

Women must hide behind a male name- father, brother, husband, son regardless of whether any of these men are worthy of trust or respect.

Respect is demanded from women as if it is a birth right for men.

Heaven forbid we ever ask for that respect to be earned.

It’s high time we questioned these social norms.

Let them label us as demanding, rude or delusional.

We owe it to ourselves.
#myvoice #breakthechain #growingupfemale

Photo by Miguel Bruna on Unsplash



Komal Chaudry

Food and tea lover trying to share my thoughts and stories with you while finding the magic in everyday life